– The place to beers ! –
Il y en a pour tous les goûts !
Le Lounge Beers
The Place to Beers
Without any doubt, our brewery and a craft beer pub is the ultimate go-to location for any kind of a distinctively different beer.
- Dark Beers
- Light Beers
- Craft Beers
- Draft Beers
- Barleywine-styled Ales
The Ultimate Place for Craft Beers
Without any doubt, our brewery and a craft beer pub is the ultimate go-to location for any kind of a distinctively different beer.
- Dark Beers
- Light Beers
- Craft Beers
- Draft Beers
- Barleywine-styled Ales
Craft Beers
Choose a perfect combination of main dish and beer
Do You Like Tasty Beer?
Stay updated with the latest news, special offers and Gutenberg’s events!
Le Lounge Beers, ce sont nos clients qui en parlent le mieux :
Enfin un vrai bar à Horbourg-Whir ! Bravo pour le concept 😉
Top ! J’ai hâte d’y être 🙂 A très vite !
Autant de bière dans un même endroit ! Vous pouvez comptez sur un client fidèle !!!
Will Sway Your Mood!
When we were designing our craft beer pub interior, we’ve had just one thing in mind: an Irish pub.
With the fact that our founder is a Belfast, Ireland native, he had all the knowledge and understanding of how an authentically Irish craft beer pub should look like…